Academic Courses: Experiential+

Illustration of a snail

Looking to get a bit more out of your summer internship or ELO? Want to stay connected to fellow MIT students throughout the summer? Ready to learn from talented Graduate Teaching Fellows from across the institute?

OEL’s “Experiential+” Courses allow you to dive into challenging topics through the lens of your summer experience, whatever that may be. The courses feature small weekly discussion sections (held via Zoom to accommodate students around the world) and a highly personalized final project that complements your work and interests. The courses are open to all MIT undergrads, regardless of year, major, prior experience, or summer plans.

Experiential Ethics

24.133 Experiential Ethics introduces MIT students to the fast-changing, real-time ethical landscape in industry, science, and technology while developing important interpersonal, professional, and leadership competencies along the way. Students learn multiple frameworks for approaching ethical issues and engage in small-group discussions and self-directed projects to apply class concepts to their summer experiences.

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Experiential Sustainability

1.005 Experiential Sustainability provides a broad introduction to sustainability challenges, governance, science, and frameworks. Students will learn to identify, address, and communicate the sustainability implications of their own work and evaluate sustainability-focused interventions through several lenses explored in the class.

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